Saturday, July 31, 2010

Middle of the World?

We spent our time in Quito as tourists. One day we traveled a bit out of town to an old horse ranch and the kids did trailrides in the surrounding hills. Another day we rode the excellent Metrobus system, first trolley cars then a bus, through the heart of Quito, to one end of the city bus lines, up at Mitad del Mundo, the alleged Center of the Earth. (We decided along the way that mass transit would be much more popular in the USA if people sold little ice cream cones on the bus, like they do down here.)
Equator monument, at latitude 0

With its little here-is-the-equator village and rather impressively large monument, this actually turned out to be  fun stop for the team, with people checking out the very gnarly collection of tropical insects and shopping for all manner of gifts and ponchos and blankets and hats and so on.

Traveling back to town was a bit challenging, as we had to figure out the trolley car maps and stations, but we eventually prevailed, and climbed the hill with the crowds, back up to our last hotel, and a free last night before our free last day in Ecuador.
Old Quito, Santo Domingo

Quito, old town

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